Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Late 1830's Yellow/Gold Dress

From the seller:

vintage ladies evening gown,pleats and puff sleeves,hand done,hook fasteners. about 17'' across the shoulders,sleeves 23-24'' long,overall length 50-51''. 6'' hem to be let out if needed. a separation at the bodice as shown. all hand crafted.fabulous pleats and puffs!

From Me:

Although the sleeves aren't as full as this one from the V & A, the dress is clearly from the same era. My guess is about 1838.


  1. On a fun note: Butterick B5832 has the same asymmetrical pleated bodice thing. Maybe one of their designers ran across this dress somewhere? It's an unusual detail.

    1. You can see the asymmetrical pleating in the fashion plate in the link. You have to look carefully at it but it's there. :-)

  2. Haha! We were talking about this Butterick pattern on our guild's FB group, and then I saw your post, Isabella. Of course the pattern isn't correct, but I loved the crossover pleated effect on the bodice and its great to see an extant gown w/ similar. The designer is part of our Costume Pattern Review page on FB too, but we talk about the patterns AFTER we've made them.

    1. How cool! Yes, the crossover pleated front was very popular towards the end of the 1830's.
