Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Bright Plaid Late Victorian Velvet Bodice

From the seller:

Here is a Victorian blouse, we took some photos with and some without the flash. We have never seen such a colorful geometric velvet piece before, it is gorgeous. There seem to be more hooks than eyes and we can't quite figure out how they all connect and how many or what are missing. It has some stains in the yellow, some wear. Measures about 20" from collar to hem, the sleeves are about 23" long. It is about 24" at the chest and 20" at the waist. It is about 10" across the back from sleeve seam to seam.

From me:

Definitely for a young girl (tween) based on the measurements. I really want to hate this bodice because it's so garish but, because it's so garish, it's charming as well. Late 1890's based on the sleeves, neckline, and pigeon front.


  1. If we needed more proof that all Victorian clothes were grey or mud-colored... Ah the gay nineties! :-)

    1. Color was invented until the 1930's you know.
