Monday, February 13, 2012

Teens Era Jacket

From the seller:

Rare circa 1860 mourning silk paletot - pregnancy

1860s pregnancy paletot of fine black silk taffeta. Spectacular construction and elegant flow, it is cut en biais to accommodate the shape, in the back there is nid d'abeilles rouching. It has an inserted belt, very pointy collar and lapels and three buttons at sleeve, closes in front with three buttons. The sleeves are a work of art with folded layers and superior part that has a slit (ventilation?). The attention to detail is amazing as the holes of the belt are decorated with rouching and the silk wrapped buttons have a white silk center.

There are several small holes, nevertheless this is an unique piece of history.

From Me:

No, it's not. I'm not sure why the seller thinks it's from the 1860's or for pregnancy. I'm guessing the mourning because it's black but none of that is true. Instead, what we are looking at is a jacket from about 1914-1916. The sleeve length is still only elbow but the collar style is what is commonly seen later and well into the 1920's. A lady in this fashion plate from the 1920's wears a slightly different style - note that the length of the collar is different and the sleeve length is different but the rest of the jacket is much the same.

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